Monday, September 30, 2013

Today in Human Geo we talked about the 25 questions we did last week. When we were answering questions, if we got it wrong Mr. Schick would throw an apple at you. Of course it was a foam apple. Then we started to watch a movie on people in Sudan. This video is really sad because in people were dying, and they were so unhealthy. There were three main characters so far. Panther Bior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach. These people had to travel away from their homes with no food and no water. This documentary is called God Grew Tired of Us. Sudan is next to Chad and Ethiopia. There was a population of about 86,000 Sudanese. There were a few girls but mostly guys, because the girls were killed. The guys would get shots so they could not reproduce. The people in Sudan have very rough live.

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