Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today in class, we talked about the video we watched yesterday. We didn't work on our projects today because we had a good conversation of Nike. We talked about how some shoes can be up to $400. I personally think that is totally outrageous. I am not saying that I can’t afford those shoes, but you can do so much more with that money than on one pair of shoes. We also talked about how Nike claims they have solved there sweatshop problem. But really instead of giving their workers in Indonesia 1 dollar they raised it to 4 dollars. Which is totally crazy to me. They can give Tiger Woods 100,000,000 when he doesn't even make the shoes, and the actually people making the shoes get 4 dollars that makes no sense at all. I actually think that Nike is trying to cut down there workers prices even lower, which is crazy. 

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