Monday, September 23, 2013

Today in Human Geo it was the first class and like I said last week it was a very difficult class. It was so hard to pay attention because I was so tired. Any way today we talked about Population and Migration. When we talked about this we took down a lot of notes. We wrote down the vocab words which are: life expectancy, crude birth rate (CBR), crude death rate (CDR), developing nations, developed nations, rate of natural increase (RNI), net migration rate (NMR), immigration, emigration, push forces, pull forces, total fertility rate (TFR). We also copied the definitions to all these words. I would write them down but that would take way to long. We basically talked all about population and how it is different in different countries. In China people can only have about 2 kids I think. Here in the US it doesn't matter how many kids you have. We also talked about how woman live longer than men for many different reasons. 

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