Friday, September 20, 2013

Today in Human Geo class, we took a quiz. I am honestly not sure how I did on the quiz. I feel like I did okay but not amazing. Some of the essays stumped me, but all the multiple choice were easy. I can honestly say that I did not get a 100%. I thought that his tests were going to be very easy which is pretty much was, except for the essay questions. I don’t think the essay questions were hard, but you really had to think. I am pretty sure that is what he wanted us to do, because what teacher doesn't want us to think and use our brains. I think if you study for the test and look at the notes we take, you really can’t fail. I like the one about Socrates famous quote, because it said what do you think about it, and I really like these questions because it all your opinion. But I really don’t like tests so I didn't enjoy this class.  

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