Monday, September 30, 2013

Today in Human Geo we talked about the 25 questions we did last week. When we were answering questions, if we got it wrong Mr. Schick would throw an apple at you. Of course it was a foam apple. Then we started to watch a movie on people in Sudan. This video is really sad because in people were dying, and they were so unhealthy. There were three main characters so far. Panther Bior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach. These people had to travel away from their homes with no food and no water. This documentary is called God Grew Tired of Us. Sudan is next to Chad and Ethiopia. There was a population of about 86,000 Sudanese. There were a few girls but mostly guys, because the girls were killed. The guys would get shots so they could not reproduce. The people in Sudan have very rough live.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

  1. What is the population of the United States?

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
          China, India, United States, Indonesia, and Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?

  1. What kind of government does the United States have?
           Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition      

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
          Saudi Arabia
  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
          United States

  1. What country has the second largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world?
  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?

  1. What is GDP?  Gross Domestic Product
  2. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
          Qatar  103,900

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
            No we are 14

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?
  1. What other country is in the top ten?

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?WER

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?

  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
Net migration is the difference between immigration and emigration in a certain       area during a specified time frame.

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today in Human Geo we got Jolly Ranchers. It was a pretty good way to start the class. Then we got into the class and started talking about the population rates again. We talked about how the average person has 2 kids. I think that is what it is at least. Then we went online to the CIA website. There we looked at the different states and different facts about every state. I was really confused with the website in the beginning but in the end I got it and understood what we were doing. I also learned that some country only has about 48 people in it which is so crazy to think about and I don’t understand how it can be called a country if there are only 48 people. To sum everything up we are basically learning about population in different countries and how it changes between developed and developing countries. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today in Human Geo it was the first class and like I said last week it was a very difficult class. It was so hard to pay attention because I was so tired. Any way today we talked about Population and Migration. When we talked about this we took down a lot of notes. We wrote down the vocab words which are: life expectancy, crude birth rate (CBR), crude death rate (CDR), developing nations, developed nations, rate of natural increase (RNI), net migration rate (NMR), immigration, emigration, push forces, pull forces, total fertility rate (TFR). We also copied the definitions to all these words. I would write them down but that would take way to long. We basically talked all about population and how it is different in different countries. In China people can only have about 2 kids I think. Here in the US it doesn't matter how many kids you have. We also talked about how woman live longer than men for many different reasons. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Today in Human Geo class, we took a quiz. I am honestly not sure how I did on the quiz. I feel like I did okay but not amazing. Some of the essays stumped me, but all the multiple choice were easy. I can honestly say that I did not get a 100%. I thought that his tests were going to be very easy which is pretty much was, except for the essay questions. I don’t think the essay questions were hard, but you really had to think. I am pretty sure that is what he wanted us to do, because what teacher doesn't want us to think and use our brains. I think if you study for the test and look at the notes we take, you really can’t fail. I like the one about Socrates famous quote, because it said what do you think about it, and I really like these questions because it all your opinion. But I really don’t like tests so I didn't enjoy this class.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we finally presented our power points on Globalization. We also took notes on some of the projects, and reviewed a little about what was going to be on our test. I basically wrote down that main facts about Globalization. Globalization is the spreading of countries traditions, economy, and business. I also wrote down what the test is going to be on. It will be on A Message to Garcia, Socrates, and some things we are learning right now. I believe that the test is on Friday because we don’t have class tomorrow. I liked my group’s presentation because we laughed a lot. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but it was a good thing at the time. We had a picture of Ronald McDonald on one of our slides and it was really funny. Today was a pretty good class. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today in class, we talked about the video we watched yesterday. We didn't work on our projects today because we had a good conversation of Nike. We talked about how some shoes can be up to $400. I personally think that is totally outrageous. I am not saying that I can’t afford those shoes, but you can do so much more with that money than on one pair of shoes. We also talked about how Nike claims they have solved there sweatshop problem. But really instead of giving their workers in Indonesia 1 dollar they raised it to 4 dollars. Which is totally crazy to me. They can give Tiger Woods 100,000,000 when he doesn't even make the shoes, and the actually people making the shoes get 4 dollars that makes no sense at all. I actually think that Nike is trying to cut down there workers prices even lower, which is crazy. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today in Human Geo we worked on our power point again. Human Geo was first period today so I was very tired. I never like first period because it is so long. But today we almost finished our project, we still need another class to work on it but we will not need that much more time. I finished the pros I was working on which is really good. We were also seeing all the strange pictures that the word Globalization has to offer. Oh right, we also watched the Nike Sweatshop video. It was kind of sad to see how these people lived. The people who worked in the sweatshops, only made like around a dollar a day, which is totally ridiculous. Especially because it showed in the video that Tiger Woods make millions of dollars because he wore the clothes. I think that is totally crazy. I would not like the living conditions in Indonesia. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

In Human Geo class on Friday, we formed groups for our Globalization project. We used the document thing were you can all work on it together from different computers. We did this a few classes back and it was pretty cool. There are 4 people in my group and we all got assigned to do different things for it. I did the pros and I could barely find anything on it. I think my group is almost finished this project but I am not sure how much is required for it. Other than working on this project, we did not really do anything else in the class. In my group it is me Claire, Jordan, and Charlotte. I really like the program we are using because it is a lot of fun to mess around. I think we will be working on this project for the next few days in Human Geo. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today in Human Geo we basically talked about McDonald's pretty much the whole class. We did take a few notes but we mainly talked about McDonald's in China. I think the whole point of our discussion today was to see how fast the world is changing. Nothing super exciting happened today. We talked about how McDonald's is now offering healthy food. They are doing this because they know that there food is unhealthy and people were starting to not choose to eat there. They added things like salad, apples, orange juice, and milk. I think that this is really good to give people a healthy choice. We also talked about who has been outside the country and if they have gone to a McDonald's or other restaurants. I have never been outside the country so I would have no clue if there is a difference between a McDonald's here and one over in China.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today in Human Geo we basically talked about McDonald's pretty much the whole class. We did take a few notes but we mainly talked about McDonald's in China. I think the whole point of our discussion today was to see how fast the world is changing. Nothing super exciting happened today. We talked about how McDonald's is now offering healthy food. They are doing this because they know that there food is unhealthy and people were starting to not choose to eat there. They added things like salad, apples, orange juice, and milk. I think that this is really good to give people a healthy choice. We also talked about who has been outside the country and if they have gone to a McDonald's or other restaurants. I have never been outside the country so I would have no clue if there is a difference between a McDonald's here and one over in China.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today in Human Geo we sang happy birthday to Josh. Then we got into groups and learned how to share a word document. I am not sure really what it was called or how to explain it that well. It was called Google Drive I believe. Basically what you do is you invite people to your google drive thing, and then you can work on documents with them. It is pretty cool, so next time you have a project due you can just do it on the computer and write it with other people. You do not need to go over people’s houses anymore which is good. My group had some fun playing around with this thing. You can also chat with people on the side, so if you are confused you can just ask them in chat. Also each person has a different color so you know who is who. This is such a good tool for high school students.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


In class we went over very interesting facts. The first one that shocked me was that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world. This confuses me because they are Chinese, so it would be weird if they were the number one English speaking county. The next fact was that if Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd largest country in the world, which is so crazy. The last fact that shocked me was the number of text messages sent and received daily now exceeds the total population of the planet. This one was super shocking because that is a lot of texts. It does make sense because people text and get texts all the time. All of these facts did shock me though. I think that the facts I chose to write about were just really shocking to me. I actually liked listening to these facts because they were pretty cool. Human Geo was really fun on Friday

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today in Human Geography, we had a very interesting class. Most of the class we talked about if you can get married to a horse. I know it sounds strange but basically we were talking about gay marriage and then it led to if you can’t get married to someone you love why can you get married to a horse? I am still not sure what the answer is. I still don’t know if people in the southern states can get married to a horse. In the beginning of the class we finished the definitions, which was the only normal part of this class. This class was actually pretty fun to me. I am not saying the other classes haven’t been fun, but this was the most interesting. I can honestly say I have never talked about this with my teacher before! I think the main thing we were supposed to talk about is Socrates, but it turned out to be about marriage.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today in class we defined the vocab words that we did for homework. Mr. Schick explained the words a little more which was really helpful. The words were kind of confusing when I had to define them for homework over the weekend. Also today in school I learned how to work my Power School from another classmate. We didn't really do that much other than define the words, and take attendance. We also talked about the blog again, because I think some people may be confused about it. I got the whole blog thing down now. Also sat in our assigned seats that we got on Friday. We didn't do too much in class today except go over vocab words. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


  Agora- A gathering place, or assembly.
    ArĂȘte- Doing your best.
  Polis- It means city in Greek, also known as citizenship or body of citizens.                  
the year 508 BC- Democracy was established.
   Socrates- Greek Philosopher, founders of Western Philosophy.
     The death of Socrates- He failed to acknowledge the Gods about the city, and introducing new deities. He was poisoned
     The Socratic method- A form of discussion between people, and illuminating ideas,
What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- A person lacking professional skill