Monday, November 4, 2013

Today in Human Geo we retook our 5 religions test. I was so happy got to retake it because on the first one I got a pretty awful grade. I am pretty confident that on this test I got an A. But saying that now I will probably fail it. Anytime I think I do well I end up doing not so good. I know I got a much better grade then last time though. It is a Monday class which is never fun, but I wasn't too tired today. Then I found out what I got and it was so much better than my last test. Then we took notes and watched a video which was pretty boring. It was kind of funny because the man in the video was trying to be funny, but it wasn't funny and people were not laughing. But we did learn that Country
an identifiable land area (look at a map!)
a nation which has the same borders as a State
a population (group of people) with a common culture
State (with a capital “S”)
a population under a single government
synonymous with “country”

a single culture under a single government

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