Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Human Geo the rest of the groups went that hadn't gone. My group was one of them. Ours was Christianity, and we basically just went up there and talked about our slides. My groups was pretty boring to me. Then I just took notes on the other people power points. We are going to have a test on Friday so I have tomorrow to study for this. I hope the test isn't hard because I don’t want to do badly on it. This class was pretty boring we didn't do anything fun we just looked at power points.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today in Human Geo we went over our test which wasn't good because I didn't do too well on it. I think I already said something about this in my last blog but it just thought I would mention it again. Then a few groups presented their projects today. My group didn't have to go because one of the members was not here. Other than that I took notes, on the different religions. It had to do with Buddhism, Muslims, Christianity, Hindus, and Jews. We learned about all the religions and were having a test on Friday. Today’s class was normal nothing special.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in human Geo, we got into groups, and picked a religion, that we had to do a project on. My group finished our project, which I think most groups did. We had Christianity, which was extremely easy. We did like 10 slides of all facts and picture about Christianity. Today wasn't the best class it was nothing special and once again it was Monday morning. Also I didn't have breakfast so I was very hungry all through the hour class. But today, we actually talked a lot usually on Monday classes we don’t really talk too much because it is Monday and everyone is tired.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today in human Geo we took a quiz that was unexpected. I didn't think we were going to have this quiz today, but we did. We did have a really good review before the quiz, so I did know some I the questions on the test others were kind of tricky and I had to guess on them. I am so hungry so it is a little hard for me to concentrate right now. Luckily I have off next so I can eat then. I am really excited it is Friday. This week has gone by so slow so I’m happy it is almost over. After this class my day is so easy. We have 2 periods of human Geo, so it is pretty long.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in Human Geo we had a shadow in our class. We talked about a lot of random things, like drugs and jail. we talked about jail most of the class, and talked about how drugs should or should not make you go to jail.I didn't really care about our conversation it was too random. What i don't understand is why jail is so good to people with basketball and weights and other things.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

In Human Geo, we took notes again today. We basically went over the notes from yesterday. I am not sure why we did this but we did. It was good because it meant I had to take basically no notes. Then at the end of the class we watched this video. I am not sure what it was called but it was about these 3 people answering questions for college kids. The on girl asked a question that said why is America the best country. The main guy of the show said that it is not a perfect country and he said a ton of facts about how it isn't. I totally agree with him. This is not the best country. Our economy is not the best, we have a lot of poor people, and many other things. It is basically all about your opinion though. I like the video we watched.

Monday, October 21, 2013

In Human Geo we took a lot of notes today. We took so many notes it took 3 pages front and back to take all of them. We basically talked about religions mostly the whole time. We talked about in different places how many different people there are, and different religions. Like in Florida we talked about how many different people were down there including Hispanic, white, and so on. Other than that I can’t even remember what we talked about it was first period and it was super boring, so I didn't want to be there. So today’s class was nothing special. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

We did nothing in Human Geo today. Mr. Schick wasn't here today. We took a test which wasn't graded, and it was very boring. The test looked really long but it was actually pretty simple, and quick but that is probably because I guessed on like 97% of them. After that, we basically sat there the whole class playing games, and doing absolutely nothing. I don’t know why we had to take that test because it was kind of point-less. Well that’s wrong it did have a point, but I just didn't want to take it. Anyways today was super boring. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in Human Geo we went over our quiz that we took. I did much better than I thought. The only reason is because I got some wrong, but I got them marked wright, and for being honest, I kept the points which was good. I like when teachers do that. A lot of my teachers do that which is pretty cool. Any ways after that, we took notes on a new chapter which was kind of boring. For some reason whenever I go home I can never remember what happened and I had it first period so I was super tired. I guess I just don’t have the best memory. But anyway this class was pretty boring we didn't do anything super interesting today. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Today in Human Geo we took a quiz, that was unexpected, and I probably didn't do too well on. I think I did alright but I didn't ace it. We didn't do anything fun today, and I don’t really want to blog. I am doing it in class because we are allowed to. I have off next and I am super hungry so that’s all I am looking forward too. The test was about the vocab we did back in September so I didn't really remember most of it. It is also raining and that is very distracting for me. Then we talked about the Kiva or Kifa or whatever it is called. The We started talking about marrying a horse again which is such a strange topic.Today’s class was kind of boring. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in Human Geo we got back our quizzes on the movie and I honestly did not do as well as I wanted to. I was a little angry because I watched the movie I just totally forgot all the stuff. But other than that we kept talking about the population stuff and how it changes depending on the location. The questions we were getting asked by Mr. Schick were pretty hard and you had to think about what kind of town they lived in. Other than that we didn't do anything to exciting. I took a few notes on what we were talking about but not too many. Today our class was pretty normal, nothing to crazy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in Human Geo we took a quiz on the movie we watched. It was pretty easy, but hard at the same time. We were allowed to use our notes, but I didn't put a ton of specific stuff into it so it wasn't much help. I think I did okay but I guessed on kind of a lot of them. Then we started talking about something that had to do with pyramids and stuff. I can honestly say I can’t remember what we talked about in class.   It was last period, so I was very excited to go home. I probably should have studied a little more for our quiz but I think I did alright. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in Human Geo I was late to class because I was late to school. When I got to class we were finishing the movie we have been watching. The ending was pretty good. John Bul Dou returned to his country and has been returning to US every once in a while. He also started a foundation for kids, and built a hospital in his town. Mr. Schick was saying that he wanted John to come to our school but it would cost like 6,000$ which is a lot of money. Mr. Schick also showed us a website where you can go and lend money to people for their business and then when they get the money they will pay it back. I think it is a pretty cool system, because you can help people start their business and you get paid back. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Today in class we looked at our quizzes, and we watched some of the movie. I wish we didn't have to right this blog, and we would've had to if some people in the class would have liked the Facebook page. I don’t really like blogging because usually I have no idea what to say and I get super bored of writing. But anyways, I honestly don’t even remember what happened in the movie we watched, I kind of totally forgot. I did pretty well on the tests we got back. It was out first test so next time I will know what to expect. I got and B+ I think but I am not definitely sure. Today’s class was nothing interesting, we mostly talked the whole time, but that id okay because talking is always fun. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today in Human Geo we continued to watch the movie we were watching. So in the movie basically they got their jobs, which were like flipping burgers at McDonald's, working on like caskets I think that is what they are called and some other things I can’t think of right now. We didn't get too far in the movie, but we did continue to see how they are living in America. We also saw how John Bul Dou, I think it was him at least, and he found out that he lost a lot of his family. He lost a lot of uncles and cousins back in his old country. He found out his mother and sisters were still alive but they were very sick. So he said that he was going to do something about it. Then we looked at John Bul Dou’s Facebook page which was pretty cool.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in Human Geo we continued watching the movie we were watching previously. This movie is like an hour and a half or something like that so it will probably take another class or two. Basically the movie really picked up. I thought it was some really sad movie and it was all depressing, but then they three main characters I mentioned yesterday, came to America. It was kind of funny because while they were on the plane the really had no clue what anything was. They were eating straight butter, and soap. Then when they found there was to Syracuse and Pittsburgh, they settled in to their homes. In their homes, they learned how to turn on lights, eat food, go to the grocery store, and basically figure out what life is here in America.  They are going to start working soon, so then they can pay back there airfare, there apartment bills, and for their food.