Monday, August 26, 2013

My First day at John Carroll was good. I was expecting it to be bad, and scary but it turned out to be alright. I met some new people and met some new teachers. I feel like John Carroll is such a great school. In my old school we did not have as much freedom as we do now, and I really like the freedom we have here at John Carroll. I really like how in the classes there are not thirty kids. I feel like it’s easier to be outgoing when it is fewer kids. I also really like how there is a cafeteria, at my old school we ate in our classrooms so it’s really cool that you can buy food and sit with all your friends. Today my day went really well and I am really excited to start my freshmen year here at John Carroll. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in the grade, and I am ready to make this a great year!

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