Saturday, August 31, 2013

Successful in High School

There are five good ways to be Successful in high school. The first is be respectful to you teachers. When I say this I mean that when the teacher is talking you should not be talking with your friends. Next you should be on time to class and school. If you are late to school every day and late to class it kind of shows that you don’t care that much about being on time for the class. You should also be organized. Being organized will really help you keep things in order and make sure you get everything in on time. That is another thing. Getting your homework in on time is very important. If you are turning in work late every time, the teacher is not going to give you the best grade in their class. The last thing is definitely trying your hardest in school. If you try in school that’s all teachers care about. If you give 100% effort in a class and the best grade you get is a C, you should be happy with that grade. All of these things are things that will help you be more successful in high school. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

      Today in Human Geography we basically learned all about the rules of the class. We learned that we need a copybook for notes and that marble copy books are indestructible! I also learned how to send my blogs to Mr. Schick. I am pretty excited to start Human Geography this year because it seems like a pretty fun class. I met some new people in this class which is good! Today I also learned that we will have to email other students in the class if they missed something. I think that is pretty cool because it makes us feel responsible. I am excited for the group projects in human geography because I personally love group projects. I am excited to learn all new things in Human Geography and I am ready to start the year!

Monday, August 26, 2013

My First day at John Carroll was good. I was expecting it to be bad, and scary but it turned out to be alright. I met some new people and met some new teachers. I feel like John Carroll is such a great school. In my old school we did not have as much freedom as we do now, and I really like the freedom we have here at John Carroll. I really like how in the classes there are not thirty kids. I feel like it’s easier to be outgoing when it is fewer kids. I also really like how there is a cafeteria, at my old school we ate in our classrooms so it’s really cool that you can buy food and sit with all your friends. Today my day went really well and I am really excited to start my freshmen year here at John Carroll. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in the grade, and I am ready to make this a great year!