Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today in Human Geo, we went over the Guns, Germs, and Steel video again. We talked about our notes and went over them a little but, then we watched the movie. The movie is about the guy name Diamond. That may not be his first name, but that is his last name. So in this video, we learn a lot about how other countries do things. We also learn a lot about what other countries grow and eat. How some countries grow rice, some grow beans, and some herd goats. We are having a test on all this Friday.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Today in Human Geo we watched the video called Guns, Germs and Steel. In this video, we met a guy named Diamonds who asked the question why did the world become so unequal. I agree with his question. Why are there countries that have to fight for there food, and really really work for it, but in most cases we just get it easily. It is said that Middle Eastern people, were the first farmers of the world. They grew wheat and grain which was then stored in house type things to preserve it. We didn't get to finish the whole video but maybe we will in a future class. Not that I really want to watch it barbecue it wasn't the most exciting thing but it was very factual.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today in Human Geo, we took more notes about what we are currently learning. We didn't really cover that much because it was a very short class. The reason it was so short is because it was a Wednesday which the classes are shorter anyway, and we had a two hour delay this morning so that was good. Anyway, we talked a little about the first cities, or something. I forgot my notes so i forgot what it was called but, it has to do with Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and some other ones. We don't have class tomorrow because it is a Wednesday, and we don't have class on Wednesdays.