Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today in human geo, we went over the test that I got a 100% on. It was the first test that I got a ding on and I was super excited about it. So we basically just went over the test and it went well. We talked a little about the exam and what room were in, and what it is going to be like. I got all of my previous quizzes out and went over them a little bit. Our exam is on Thursday. I am not excited for it but I don’t think it will be too challenging. Other than all of that we had a normal day. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today in human Geo, we reviewed for the test we were about to take on microfinance. Micro finance is a financial service, where small businesses, can’t access banks and other services, so they get microloans. When we took the test there was a lot of specific numbers you had to remember and I know that I definitely got a 100%. I am so confident that I will finally get the ding that I deserve. Mr. Schick is going to grade them right now, so I will know by the end of class what I got. He just left the room so when he comes back I will have my grade. I think the test was extremely easy. He just got back, and i got a 100% and i am so proud. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

1. What is Microfinance? form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services.

2. Name 3 problems faced in developing countries? Disease, famine, drought, and pollution.

3. What is a microloan? A microloan is when a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the lender will receive their money back.
4. Name 2 or 3 common uses for microloans?
  • Starting up new businesses, Getting products for your business
  • Getting a little kick start on your business
  • Machinery or equipment

5. ways microloans can help?
-The businesses can have a positive effect on the community around them.

-It allows small business owners access to insurance.
6. What can you do if you want to start a new business, but don't have the funds for it? get a microloan

7. Can roads and bridges be a common use for a microloan? Yes

8. True or false, Electricity is one of the main problems faced in developing countries? True

9. True or false, a microloan is when somebody gives someone money in order to start a new business, and the loaner doesn't receive money back? False

10. Was this test useful? yes